Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) National Contact Points (NCP)
Upcoming Events

7 May : COFUND Webinar
2 June: IF Webinar
Webinar of IF & COFUND
More information for IF
More information for COFUND

Dates: 23 and 24 June, 2020 (two half days in the mornings)
Details to be followed.
Events & Meetings
Twinning for MSCA NCP

MSCA NCP can participate to twinnings to facilitate the exchange of knowledge.
Training on NCP transferable skills

4 trainings for MSCA National Contact Points on transferable skills will be organised.
1) Train the Trainer - 28 January 2019, Bern
2) Time Mangement - 28 June 2019, Timisoara
Training in MSCA Issue

4 trainings on Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions issues will be organised during the project.
1) IF - 26-27 March 2019, Venice
2) Project Reporting & Audit - 25-26 June 2019, Timisoara
Cross-Cutting Trainings

4 Cross-cutting trainings will be organised during the project
1) Responsible Research & Innovation, 27 January 2019, Bern
2) Open Science and Open Data, 28 & 29 March 2019, Venice Italy
REA-EC-NCP Working Group

This Working Group exchange of practical issues between the REA, DG EAC.
Contact for WG:
Project Meeting

The project organised several meetings (e.g. KoM, NCP Forum etc) in order to inform the MSCA NCP about the project evolution.
1) Kick Off Meeting, 12-13 April 2018, Warsaw
2) Mid Term Meeting, 24 October 2019, Krakow

The Train-the-Trainers Workshops will provide insight on how to prepare your training and be a good trainer.
Trainings that tooked place:
- ITN Proposal Writing, Tunis - 2018
- RISE Proposal Writing, Podgorica - 2018
- IF Proposal Writing, Yerevan - 2019
Meet & Exchange Workshop

One-day workshops will focus on the needs of the “widening countries”, but they will also concern topics from which other NCPs can also benefit.
1) NCP Forum & Meet and Exchange Workshop, 17-18 June 2019, Vienna
MSC Actions Handbooks

RISE 2019 & 2020
COFUND 2018 PhD & Fellow
COFUND 2019 PhD & Fellow
IF 2019 & 2018
ITN 2019 & 2020
National Contact Point Survey

The Net4Mobility+ Questionnaire will allow to design the project activities.
Recommendations for using EURAXESS

How can you use EURAXESS Tools as a MSCA NCP? Have a look at this guide to find the answer
Recommendations for using EURAXESS tools
New NCP Welcome Package

Newcomers Welcome Package provides valuable information about the Net4Mobility+ project activities.
Guidelines on using the EEN database

This document will inform you on how to use the EEN database in your MSCA work.
Link to the Guidelines
MSC Actions Evolution Guide

This document is a "MSCA Call Overview".
Available for MSCA NCPs on Intranet
MSC Actions Call Statistics

Graphs with information on the latest MSCA Calls statistics are now available:
IF Statistics 2017 & 2018
COFUND Statistics 2017 & 2018
ITN 2018 Statistics
RISE 2018 Statistics & 2019
NIGHT 2018 Statistics
Guidelines for collaboration with researchers networks

The purpose of this document is to provide NCPSs with recommendations on how to collaborate with researchers´ networks in order to better promote the MSCA.
Link to the Guidlines
Publications for Widening Countries
Promotional Campaign Guidelines

The current guidelines are addressing the need for development and implementation of a dedicated MSCA promotional strategy in Widening countries.
Download it here.
Recommendations for Widening Countries’ MSCA NCPs

The main objective of the document is to formulate recommendations on what instruments Widening countries may introduce to be more successful in H2020 and MSCA in particular, how the NCPs can contribute to the more successful participation of the researchers and host organisations.
Download it here.
Promotion Material
Project Logo

The project can be download under several formats here.
Project Banner

The Project Banner can be upload under several formats here.
Project Slides

You can find a slide for the MSCA NCP and on for your clients